The Transporter Refueled 2015 Movie

In the south of France, former special-ops mercenary Frank Martin enters into a game of chess with a femme-fatale and her three sidekicks who are looking for revenge against a sinister Russi... Read all More details




actionadventurethrillercardrivercar stuntprivate jetairfieldtough girlrobberfemale robbergas attackfourth partsequelphone appman murders a womanwoman uses a wheelchairwoman wears a bra and pantieswoman murders a manshooting a womanwoman wears a blonde wigwoman wears a gas maskwoman wears a little black dresswoman wears a miniskirtwoman wears black lace pantieswoman wears black lingerieaerial camera shotnunchakuthree word titlerussianbankfrancefemme fatalerevengegetaway driverheisthostageshot multiple timesscuba diverledgershot in the bellysecurity codewall safedruggedcrashing through a gatefacial cutremoving a bulletkeycar jumpelectronic money transferfour against onecylinder of nerofluraxreference to alexandre dumaswoman changing clothescar flipslow motion action sceneprecision drivingt bonedgetaway carcar rolloverabductiongun held to headburning a dead bodyhotel firelate for an appointmentsix against onetaseredstuffed in a car trunkburnt corpsepolice car crashlesbian kisspolice detectivedetectiveredemptionphotographthrown from a boatdamsel in distressmassacrelooking at oneself in a mirrortoy carambiguous endingone daycar through a windowsecurity cameraairport securityjumping from an airplanefalling from heightsafepilotairportairplanecomputer crackercomputer hackerhigh techgas maskhit by a carsabotagewheelchairdoctorhospitalambulancedrugged drinkdancingblack bra and pantiessuspicionsisterhoodreference to the three musketeersreference to john waynefake passportstealing a carpolicepolice stationmorguepolice inspectorchop shopseductionwatching tvbody in a trunktaserdisguisewiggash in the faceheroismunderwater scenediverbeachspeedboatmanipulationtunneleuropecaperwisecrack humorhanging upside downnightclubrestaurantoff screen sexbare chested malebarhenchmanbodyguardfalse accusationbank robberysafe deposit boxrobberymoneydecoydrug overdosesurveillance footagesurveillancesecurity guardknocked outpistol whippedaccountanthotelmexican standoffswimming poolcockney accentfather son relationshipparanoiaabandoned buildingbullet woundvodkawineembassyrace against timetracking devicetext messagingcell phonewristwatchsunglassesburnt bodyfirecigarette lighterconspiracycover upfriendshipfingerprintattempted robberyparking garagecorpseblood on shirtsilencershot to deathshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the armshot in the foreheadshot in the headambushnecklacefrench rivieracard gamethugjumping through a windowlimousinehonortragic pastdark pastone against manywarriortough guyone man armyanti heroaction herocatfightstrangulationenglishman abroadamerican abroadex soldierformer spyblackmailblack and white scenetattooflashbackproduct placementflash forwardreturning character with different actoryear 2010year 19952010s1990sorganized crimemafia bossmob bosscrime bossgangstermobsterrussian mafiapimpprostituteprostitutionprologuegadgetrygadgethit with a car doorboat chaseyachtjet skirubber boatdinghyshowdowndeathviolencemurderbetrayaldeceptiondouble crossescaperescueheld at gunpointkidnappingdisarming someoneexploding carmotorcycle stuntmotorcycle copmotorcyclecar crashcar accidentoverturning carpolice chasecar chasechasefoot chaseak 47machine gunpistolshootoutgunfightthreatened with a knifeknifeaxeimprovised weaponhead buttknife fightaxe fightstick fighthit in the facebeaten to deathbeatingkicked in the facekicked in the stomachpunched in the facepunched in the chestslow motion scenestylized violencehand to hand combatmixed martial artsmartial artsbrawlfightfistfightdeath of friendindependent filmsurprise ending

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