The Marksman 2021 Movie

A rancher on the Arizona border becomes the unlikely defender of a young Mexican boy desperately fleeing the cartel assassins who've pursued him into the U.S. More details




actiondramathrillerboygunshootingammunitionpistolrifleborderdrug cartelburning moneymoneyranchimmigrantnarcochaseborder patrolhotelatlashostelgummy beardogpolice officerpolice stopmexicanchicago illinoismurder of a police officermurder of a police officer at a traffic stopshooting a police officershooting a police officer in the chestrancherarizonaarizona mexico borderpursuitmexican migrantmexican drug cartelscene during opening creditsbackpackpickup truckriding in the back of a pickup trucksubtitled scenespanishnotebrother sister relationshipteenage boyhomeworkcell phonemother son relationshipuncle nephew relationshipunder a bridgetortureman with hands tiedbald headed manmustached manthreatprologueborder fencenaco arizonabinocularsfearrifle with a telescopeamerican flagcoyotekilling a coyotecattlebarking dogdead cowwalkie talkietalking to an animaltalking to a cowpima county arizonawater canteenblood on footsubjective camerabale of haybankerdead wiferanch owner facing foreclosurewidowerapologybuilding constructionseeking a jobnicknameselling cattlebarpool tabledrinkdrinkingworryingman lives aloneu.s. governmentdrunken manframed photographmother daughter relationshiphusband wife relationshipstepfather stepdaughter relationshipstepdaughter takes off her stepfather's cowboy bootsdead motherdesertbloodboy wears a baseball captalking to a dogleg injuryalmost hit by a pickup truckcrying womanillegal immigrantex u.s. marinemurder of mothermachine gunwoundwounded womanbrother brother relationshipdeath of brothercousin cousin relationshipman boy relationshipcrying boyambulanceborder patrol agentfemale border patrol agentu.s. customs and border protectionparking lotday of the week on screenphotographsleeping in a pickup truckbag of moneyaudio flashbackdeportationtelephonetelephone callhidingseat beltfacial woundpassportvisaguard dogrunning awayflaskfamily relationshipsbreaking and enteringmedalarsonburning a ranchhousefoodeatingpueblo rocks new mexicodinergas stationfilling stationatlas the booksierra vista arizonacomputerpay phoneman grabs a woman by her neckviolencemurderoverheating pickup truckpickup truck radiator leakbank loantelephone messagecoca colawhiskeyhamburgersteak the meatdead fathermen's bathroommirrorlooking at oneself in a mirrorrunning boywalking a dogpop tartsauto mechanicoklahoma citycredit cardsportscarhot dogold manold man boy relationshippolice carfightfightinghit in the facebetrayalshushingman slaps a manface slapgunshotgun shopbackground checktrustdea drug enforcement administrationman hanging from an overpassweyburn texasdistrustmotelmotel desk clerkbathroomwatching tvmotel roomremote control911 telephone callclimbing out a windowrunning manpolice sirenthreat to murderkilling a dogman carries a dead dogbridgeport oklahomacrossburying a dead dogwoodsfuneralchurchgriefafrican american priestfaithsheriffmexicoasylumradio newslistening to a car radiomapman with a face and neck tattooteaching someone how to shoot a gunlearning how to shoot a guntarget practiceoverpassconvenience storecampfiregiving someone a ridecar chasemarksmanhead woundpickup truck on firebarnhayloftcamera shot through a telescopeblood on faceshootouttractorcrawling on the floorhostageusing a hostage as a shieldcrueltykicked in the facestabbingstrangulationrevengedifficulty breathingmedal as a giftbusforeclosureu.s. mexico borderman choking a womansecurity videokilling a cashierkilling the driver of a carpulled over by the policeshooting out a tireco written by directorwriter director producercoyote human smugglerwaitressbartendergun storetwo word titleintergenerational friendshipmale bondingshot to deathdeath of wifechild in perilchild in jeopardyloss of wifechild with gunmodern westernpet dogdeath of motherman with a beardman wears a hardhatman wears a cowboy hatman wears cowboy bootsaerial camera shot

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