Teddy 2021 Movie

In a rural French town, twenty-something Teddy is scratched by an unknown beast and slowly undergoes frightening changes. More details




comedydramahorrorone word titlefull moonla marseillaisedead sheepwerewolfteenager in lovemassage parlormasseurfoot massagegrowlbite markbite attackbite woundmetamorphosisemile zola quotationmagic mushroomplans for the futuremedical doctordental bracessmeared with bloodherd slaughtervomiting in a toiletbiting someone's tongue offstrange behaviorreference to wikipediagoogle searchbad breakupbroken heartmassacreforename as titlebloodmayorgendarmesingingsinging out of tunebad singingsex scenedead animalmassagebare chested malewoundbiting someone's toenightmaredream sequenceriflebad smellgirlfriendboyfriend girlfriend relationshipswimming poolreading in a swimming poolreference to emile zolaoral sexrazordoctorhair removalhair removal tapebank noteaquariumfoot in an aquariumnightcell phonepoemtaking a photographtaking a photograph with a cell phonetoiletclogged toiletvomitingcandlebathtubpaintingfingernail pulled offletternudityfemale nudityfemale frontal nudityfemale full frontal nuditylottowerewolf transformationwatching tvname in titlename as titlemale name in titlemale name as titleold womancharacter name as titlefrench horrorwritten by directorpsychotronic filmfrench psychotronic filmeuropean psychotronic filmman with glassesman wearing glasseseuropean horrorsenior citizenwoman with glasseswoman wearing glassestalking to oneselfrural settingcountrysidefrench countrysidescreampolicemandeathspurting bloodmysterious eventraising a flagvillagefrench villagespeechreference to world war tworeading out loudsoldiersinging national anthemsinging the french national anthemawkward situationsocially awkwardsocially awkward manraised middle fingerobscene gestureobscene finger gesturelistening to musicmemorialsaying the same thing simultaneouslycharacters say same line simultaneouslysinging the national anthemlistening to music in a carsmelling one's armpitsmelling one's clothesknocking on doorknocking on a glass window in a doorbarking dogreading a bookwoman reading a booktalking to a dogtalking to an animalvisitfeeding someoneaunt nephew relationshipsex in a bathroomsex in a showershower sexshowerman in showerman in a showermale in showermale in a showerwoman in a showerfemale in showerfemale in a showerman and woman in showerman and woman share a showeroff screen sexcharacter says i love youkiss on foreheadpost coital scenetalking after sexsex talkreference to penis sizemale in underwearman wearing shortsman wearing boxer shortsbarefoot femalesilenced with a kissvanfieldoutcastsocial outcastmysterious deathsheepgarageinvestigationoverheard conversationbody baghorror comedywatching someone sleepphotographframed photographfamily relationshipsblood on handsvulgar languagethrowing something at someonefemale employer rapes a male employeesexual abuserfemale sexual abuserleg massagebarefoot maleman wrapped in a towelwrapped in a towelco worker co worker relationshipcolleague colleague relationshipdisinfecting a woundemployer rapes male employeemasseur as protagonistemployer employee relationshiptaking off shirtfemale bossemployer sexually harasses employeeback massagesexual harassmentsexually abused mansexually abusive womanemployer sexually abuses employeesexually harassed manman sexually harassed by a womanman sexually harassedwoman sexually harasses a manseductive behaviorseductive womanemployee sexually harassed by an employeremployer sexually harasses an employeeabuse of powerforced kissfemale rapistrapistraperaped manraped maleman raped by a womanwoman rapes a manfemale on male rapeblood stainmatronizingbruiseabusive employermale objectificationmale star appears shirtlessemployer rapes an employeeemployer rapes employeerape jokecharacter says i'm sorrypolice stationsocial awkwardnesstoothwoman in a wheelchairwheelchairwheelchair boundwheelchair bound womanpouring raindownpoursleeping in underwearsnoringstormrainstormrain stormsnoring womanmushroomsmelling someone's footsleeping shirtlesscamera shot of feetcamera shot of bare feetcamera shot of a woman's bare feetstomach achebad dreamlooking at oneself in a mirrordream scenebiting someonebiting someone's footmysterious smellpointing a gun at someoneviolencehairy tonguereference to godreading a book out loudwoman wearing sunglassesman wearing sunglassesshavingsunbathingwoman in swimsuitslow motion scenehallucinogenous mushroomman wears a female swimsuitjumping on a bedkissing someone's neckkissing someone's legcunnilingusreading aloud from a booktongue injuryinterrupted sexinterrupted oral sexinterrupted cunnilingusembarrassing male nuditycamera shot of mouthclose up of open mouthclose up of mouthmedical examinationteenagerteenage boyteenage protagonistsinging happy birthdaybirthdayreference to the pink pantherdepilationleg depilationgroup of friendslegs depilationdrinking from a bottletelling someone to shut upcharacter says shut upoffering a bribeaccepting a bribebribetransformationbeer drinkingreference to buddhabuddha statuebuddha statuetteundressingimplied male nudityshirtless on the streetstrippingwolfdisbeliefurban fantasyblood on facekilling a sheepkilling an animalsleeping outdoorsliewaking up nakedsleeping nakedsleeping nudenude man covers his crotchnude man covering himselflost clothesembarrassing nuditytalking to a bottlerehearsing a speechpartycoolerreading a poemreading a poem out loudapplausegroup hugposing for a photographhiding in a coolertaking a pictureinvitationinvitation to a partyrivalrivalryfightfailed expectationsfailed expectationbroken bottlebreaking a bottlelistening to radiohand in a toilet bowlblocked toiletfreezervomiting manvomiting bloodman in a freezerhairy chested malehairy chestbiting someone's lipolder woman younger man relationshipwoman wrapped in a towelbiting someone's nosefat womanobese womanoverweight womantongue bitten offcomaman in bathtubman in a bathtubsleeping in a bathtubtaking a showercriminal as protagonistgoogling for informationlycanthropehiding in a freezercomatose patienttongue ripped outdisembodied tongueinvestigatorstudenthigh school studentclimbing over a wallunrequited lovecoming of agecarrying someonecarrying someone over one's shoulderbreakupposterfinger injuryscreaming mansecretly observingshirtless hugsign of the crosssign of crosscrucifixwriting a letterfemale star appears toplessvoice over lettertopless femaletopless female nuditytopless womanbare breastsjealousyjealous manjealous ex boyfriendex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshipromantic rivalromantic rivalryoutbursthysterical outburstviolent outburstforestwoodsshootinggunshotsuspicionkilling a wolfwolf hunthuntperformanceperformance singingsinging alonggraduationchoirschool choirbingoringsitting on a toiletman sitting on a toiletcamera shot of an eyecamera shot of eyesclose up of eyesclose up of an eyeplaying bingomonsterantiherolocked inmultiple deathsmultiple murdersdramedyfrench fantasyhiding in a toilethiding in a toilet stallno cellphone signalpredatory behaviordead bodyteenage angstarthouse horrorhiding in a fieldmass murdermass murdererfinding a dead bodydiscovering a dead bodymass murderer as protagonistwet clothesrunning barefootpolicewomanchasechased by policerunning from policefoot chaseone against manywanted mankiller on the runkiller as protagonistkilling spreecryingcrying mancrying malecommunitybreak inbreaking intraumatraumatized mantraumatized protagonistdeath of protagonistmurder of protagonisttransmitterembracing a dead bodyscene during end creditsdeath of boyfriendfantasy scenefantasy sequencedance scenemelodramacannes 2020character name in titletitle spoken by character

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