Takers 2010 Movie

A group of bank robbers find their multi-million dollar plan interrupted by a hard-boiled detective. More details




actioncrimethrillerbaconpigcorrupt policefalling out among thievescorrupt copbankheistarmored carplanningpolicerussian mobsuitcase of moneypolice officer shotpicking a lockpolice investigationmain character shotlapdviolenceneo noirfistfightm 16bulletproof vestdrug dealersuspensetough guypolice shootoutshowdownstreet shootoutglockafrican americanhangarheist gone wrongblueprintarmored car robberyexplosives expertpump action shotgundirecting traffichelipadbell 206 jet ranger helicopterorganized crimereference to casanovadriver's licenselasersightflashlightinterracial friendshipproduct placementjail cellhospitalmugshothollywood walk of fameurban settingwalkie talkiegas stationcar crashparking garageinterviewinterrogationtorturedeath of girlfriendabandoned subway stationsubwaystealing a carmachismobrawltaxihot dog standharborairplanereverse footagehaitianvideotapenosebleedgash in the facehandcuffed to a pipehandcuffspolice brutalitysnipersecurity guardshot in the legpolice chasebarfull moonswimming pooldrug addicthome invasionrussiangangstershot through a windowpianomotorcyclesports carhollywood signbag of moneyexplosiondesert eagledouble crossaerial shotkidnappinghelicopterjumping from heightrobberybank vaultsecurity camerasurveillancedisguisechief of policedeath of partnerpartnertunnelno title at beginningboyfriend girlfriend relationshipsecurity guard shotpolice officer shot in the chestex convictsunset boulevardnews reporterswat teampolice raidbreaking through a doorapartmentmarriage proposalpiano playingshootoutpolaroidambusharmed robberybeatinghit with a baseball bathit with a broommexican standoffcell phoneshot in the foreheaddeathjumping through a windowdesperationmurder of a police officershot through a doorshot through a wallshot to deathshot in the shouldershot in the chestshot in the stomachshot in the backc4 explosivescharacter repeating someone else's dialoguefinger gunsniper rifleimpersonating a police officersick childpolice stationjunkiebrother sister relationshipdrug rehabilitationobsessionmapdeceptionrussian mafiathiefairportprivate jetjumping from a rooftopbody landing on a carhit by a carhit by a buscar chaseaccountantcorpsesuicide by cophotelphotographscartattoocigarette smokingcigar smokingnightclubmasked manshotgunskinny dippingmale rear nuditybare chested maleinternal affairsmurderarrestbloodkicked in the facefalling down stairspunched in the stomachpunched in the facefoot chasebetrayalrevengerelease from prisonsuitbowler hatslow motion sceneexploding helicopterdodgers stadiumensemble castheld at gunpointpistolak 47machine gunfiance fiancee relationshiphusband wife relationshipfather daughter relationshipbrother brother relationshippolice detectivesurveillance footagevan nuys californiahollywood californialos angeles californiano opening creditscriminal gangcareer criminalbank robberyone word titledeath of friendtitle spoken by charactersurprise ending

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