Lost in the Sun 2016 Movie

A small time crook and a newly-orphaned teenage boy team up to perform a string of robberies. More details




actiondramathrillerteenage boycross countryfather son reunionteenagergrandmother grandson relationshipgangsterteenage girllost childindependent filmfather son relationshippay phonechurchgas stationenvelope of moneyfemale nuditybrief topless female nuditysmoking in bedvomitingchild drives a carchild in jeopardychild with a guneating in a carman wears underwearman wears briefsmale underwearbriefswhite briefstighty whitiesastronomical object in titlesmall time crookfather son conflicttravelaccomplicerobberysecond hand storefreight trainrearview mirrorbus stationfather son estrangementnail salonsleeping in a carshooting practicetalking while drivingdriving a cardriving lessonflashback within a flashbackfamily photographestranged sonprieststarts with narrationknocking on a wallbag of moneybank robberyex convictpaternity revealedpolice carmotel roomman boy relationshipsingle motherpreacherbus stopabandoned houseopen casketstation wagonpickup truckringpawnshoppair of skisloss of mothertrainmanicurebabyyounger version of charactercrime spreeon the lamfunfaircomic bookarrestsuitcasenotesunrisebeatingstolen cartold in flashbackrepeated flashbackon the runfarmhouserevolverpistolcriminalpump action shotgunarmed robberywritten by directorframed photographtelephone callfour word titlehitchhikinggunroad tripflashbackvoice over narrationestranged fatherdead motherorphandeath of mothershooting lessoncigarette smokingbare chested malemoteldrive in restauranttrain hoppingstowawaydinercar theftdebtfuneral

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