Lawless 2012 Movie

Set in Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a trio of bootlegging brothers are threatened by a new special deputy and other authorities angling for a cut of their profits. More details




crimedramafemale frontal nuditybouncing breaststhroat slittingbootlegginggangstermoonshineprohibitionviolencecovered bridgegas pumpkicked in the headbullet riddled carthompson sub machine gunjar of moonshinetar and feathersexploding buildinghotelbrutalityhit with a shovelcastrationhospitalshooting a police officershot in the throatbeatingbootleggerfoot washing ceremonybridgegangster movierags to richesgreat depressionpiedmontappalachiasex scenekisscmnfpuffy nipplessouthern gothicillicit distillerygenitals in jardress as a giftfire in oil drumthompson gunneo westernmodern westerncolt single action army revolver.contemporary westernneo noirfranklin county virginiadeputyvirginiapreacher's daughterpreacherlegendsocial commentaryyear 1940double barreled shotgunbarricadeexplosionclothes on firecampfireunloading a gunchurch serviceapplying for a jobdancingyear 1931narrated by characterfalling through iceface slappolice raidwhat happened to epiloguevoice over narrationburning clothingperson on firebarshootoutroadblockfuneralpolice officer killedshot in the stomachcigar smokingchurchneck breakingrevengehit in the throatmontagecar chasebare chested malestabbed in the backshot to deathshot in the faceshot in the shouldershot in the chestshot in the legshot in the footsheriffcorrupt copwakebrass knuckleskicked in the facepunched in the faceblood splattercorpseshotgunpistolmurderyounger version of characterbrother brother relationshipdeath of friendbased on true storybased on novelf wordstarts with narrationcigarette smokingcharacter repeating someone else's dialoguephotographone word title

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