French Exit 2021 Movie

An aging Manhattan socialite living on what's barely left of her inheritance moves to a small apartment in Paris with her son and cat. More details




comedydramascreenplay adapted by authortwo word titlesocialiterelocationinheritancecatmother son relationshipblack catbased on bookprologueyounger version of characterparis france60 year old60 year old womandead husbanddead fathername callingtitle appears in writingcigarette smokingfoodeatingboyfriend girlfriend relationshipnew york citymarriage engagementfiance fiancee relationshipmoneyselling one's possessionssharpening a knifeknifefearfear of mother's rejectionwinenicknameeccentric motherbrokeaccidentally throwing a knifecrying womanhysterical laughterwearing sunglasses indoorsgoldrestaurantfriendfriendshipfriendship between womenmaidbounced checkflowerman with long hairchivalrybreakupman puts a napkin over his headengagement break upcowardice12 year old12 year old boydevotionsaying goodbyelooking in a windowapologyhomeless manbegging for moneyman with a beardmustached manpolicemanmanhattan new york citycentral park manhattan new york cityeurofrenchocean linerwoman reads a bookpublic address systemslot machineescalatorfortune tellerdrinkdrinkingbarline dancingdeathdyingdry gin martiniimplied sexman undresseswoman undressessmoking in bedportholemartinigiving a toastship's doctorthreat of violencedead womandead bodyshipship's morguecrossing the atlanticflaskcrushing a pill with a high heel shoepillfeeding a catthe color greensedating a catcustomstaxiapartmentsleeplessnessstreet lifewaitercigarette lightersetting flowers on fireflowers on firechristmas evechristmas treebicyclebicycle as giftbicycle bellman reads a magazineparty invitationchampagnepartylonelinesslonely womancassouletfreezerdildodrunkennesskitchenmemoryhusband wife relationshipblack comedyjealousyman rides a bicyclecanalphone boothtelephonetelephone callblue telephonetelephone hanguplost loveslamming a doorarm injurycat scratches a womancat runs awayrunaway catlooking for a missing carcigarette casereflection in a mirrordead husband lives inside a catwoman hits her head on a lampprivate investigatorclairvoyantfranco africancoughing womanarm bandagesidewalk cafesuicide threatwriting a lettervoice over lettergirlwatching someonebeing watchedwoman reads a magazinearrestlooking out a windowflashbackflash forwardcat sits on a dead man's chestpolicethunderrainbenchcat hides under a benchseancecandletalking to one's dead husbandtalking to one's dead fatherabandoned by fatherreference to jesus christbreaking a drinking glassson hates his fathersleepingmother and adult son share a bedorange the fruitbraveryreference to billy the kideating an orangewitness to a police arrestgiving away moneymoney as a giftmother waves to her sonbathtubrunning water for a bathvacuum cleanerknocking on a doorlovewoman kisses another woman's handex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshiphappinesssadnessabsurdismluckunluckinessman and woman share a bedwoman sleeps on a sofaman wears pajamaswoman wears a nightgownsleeping in a chairtwo old women share a bedwomen hold handssaffronshoppingumbrellacontentmentsuicide noteclichearm wrestlingwinningman hits a man in the facewoman slaps a manultimatumdoor lockwoman recites poetry out loudreference to emily dickinsonemily dickinson quotationwashing dishesmother and son walk arm in armconfession of lovethree people share a bedupside down camera shotwife hates her husbandstartled womanblowing out a candlelost catlost womansearchoverhead camera shotboy wears a school uniformboarding schoolboy nods his head okayboy takes off a school necktiemother throws aay her son's school necktie

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