Boy  2010 Movie

Set on the east coast of New Zealand in 1984, Boy, an 11-year-old child and devout Michael Jackson fan, gets a chance to know his absentee criminal father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago. More details




comedydramareference to michael jacksonwritten by directorchild protagonistcrushfamily homehickeyfather son reunionfather son estrangementmuscle carbeachmarijuana jointmarijuanapot smokinghaircutquirkysteel helmetvacuum cleanergravedigginganimated sequencesparklervisiting a gravetattootattooingfake tattoopartygaragemale bondingmichael jackson impersonationgraveyardweirdofat mangangfantasy sequencespoonprison escapedaydreamdaydreamermachetetree swingnicknamenotebooknotepadburied moneyfamily photographchildhoodice lollyconvenience storeshopkeeperbiker vestbathtubtwo in a bathtubmarijuana plantdancingfightbarcashwad of cashbad haircutpet goatdead goatburialdeath of pethit with a plankdrawingarmy helmetflashbackloss of motherchildbirthbridgefielddeath in childbirthcoastcoastal townyounger version of charactercoastlinechildhood flashbackfalling off a bridgedead motherroller skatesdrunkennesstelephone callsingle fatherchild's drawingface slapdrawing comes to lifeson hits fatherwood carvinghakacousin cousin relationshiphome alonepre teenscene during end creditsdance scenedance numberreference to thriller by michael jacksoncoming of agesurprise after end creditshand drawn creditsscene during opening creditsreference to e.t. the extraterrestriallittle boypushing a carschool busschool bus driverstarts with narrationbetrayal by a friendbetrayalcharacter name as titlenew zealandgoatchildrenfarmgrandmothermaori12 year oldschoolclassroomabsent fatherchild's point of viewfamily relationshipsbrother brother relationshipgrandmother grandson relationship1980syear 1984parodyfather son relationshipdeath of mothertitle spoken by characterone word title

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