BMX Bandits 1983 Movie

Two BMX expert bikers and a friend of theirs (Kidman) become entangled with a group of bank robbers after discovering a carton of walkie-talkies. More details




adventurecrimedramabmxbankrace against timeteen movieteenagerstorytellingkidnappingobese boydrunkennesscriminalcitybreaking the lawspeedboatmotorboataustraliaurban settingfire extinguisherdelivery manwaitressbusinessmanworkmaneuphemismstormforemansupermarket managersneezingpolice sergeantscreaming girlcounting to threepolice constabletruck crashuse of bloody as epithethonking a car horndriving a trucknicknamedriving a carwhistlingsuitcasefriendship between teensthreatened with a knifetwo friendsthreat to killthreatlying downtelling someone to get on the floorvan driverpig imitationpolice carwristwatchman with glassesfalling in the seatrappedrowboatchasehostagebike chasegolf coursecoming of agepunkreference to king kongevil planparking garagetoy carrugby teamfood courtpursuitbeachmaskrubber maskbank robber wearing maskmannequinpriestfriendship between boysmontage1980sfemale police officerrobberyelectronic music scorenewspaperreference to spartacusbicycle shopcar explosionmapescalatorrunning after a truckabductionteenage girlteenage boytelling someone to shut upclimbing over fenceice creamhandbagfalse accusationopen gravedummygroup of childrenletting the air out of a car tirereference to john travoltareference to the easter bunnyreference to draculabicyclevanapologycigarette smokingreference to bugs bunnynighttruckblondeblonde childblond manopening a doorflourraincandlesong during end creditstelephoneliescene during opening creditstelephone callpig maskpolice stationbank robberycalling someone an idiotscene during end creditsshopping mallwater slidetrolleycemeterydismissalsydney australiapolicewalkie talkieredhead girlriding a bicycletwo word titlebmx bikecyclingindependent filmropewarehouseknocking over store displayshortcutmovingice cream coneclothes rackparking lotblack cargraveyardabandoned buildingproperty damagemarinaharbortablevideo arcadewater parktunnelshopping centergrocery cartchased by cardockknifemattressladder

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