Alpha 2018 Movie

In the prehistoric past, a young man struggles to return home after being separated from his tribe during a buffalo hunt. He finds a similarly lost wolf companion and starts a friendship that would change humanity. More details




adventuredramafamilyprehistoric timesdogwolfpaleolithic agefalling through icepresumed deadfalling off a cliffcoughing up bloodaurora borealisfictional languageprehistoryice agespearpregnant animalbirthgiving birthshamanfather son relationshipinterspecies friendshipepicone word titlekilling an animalviolenceteenage boyhunteropening action scenebaby animaljourneycoming of agebow and arrowanimal fightspear throwingknifeeuropenative europeanindianindian tribetitle character not the main characteron the roadshot with an arrowhuntinglosttribebuffalobuffalo huntinjurysurvivalhusband wife relationshipmother son relationshipboarbisoncliffritualinjured footrainfloodingwolf packwolf attackfrozen lakeunconsciousnessalpha the wolf characterboy and his dogsnowtent cityfrozen to deathunderwater sceneinjured wolfwolf pupdomesticated wolfmachairodusindigenous peoplepromisecrawling on the groundstampederunningslow motion scenecampfirespearheadfightchiefsense of smellwar paintoverhead camera shotmother son embracehusband wife embracewaterfallstarting a firetotemfacial makeupfriendfriendshipprideancestorsleeping in a treekilling a boarapologyfoodeatinganimal attackstone pylonhawkaerial camera shotforestreturning homerepeated scenefalling from heightbloody faceblooddeathdead sonvultureloss of sonteenage boy on a ledgeclimbing down a cliffsidelightningthunderfalling into waterwater canteenclimbing a treeson misses his parentslimping teenage boyteenage boy carries an injured wolfhyenaskullskeletonwormeating a wormrabbitkilling a rabbitforgivenessflintstonehowlingcavetalking to a wolffollowing someonebeing followedvolcanolavaswimmingsaving a lifefishlakewhistlingblizzardloinclothdreambare chested malefollowing tracks in the snowhand woundfursnowingwounded wolfpursuitblood in the snowcorpsecavemanfrozen bodytribal chiefnonlinear timelinejumping from heighthuntteenagerheavy rainrainstormhunting partywaterfloodaerial shotmammothpanthericeice caveexcrementspiritualityman versus naturecouragebraverydangerfearmaggotclose up of eyessubjective cameracharacter's point of view camera shotleaderleadershipmoral dilemmamontagepyroclastic flownear death experiencetreebroken legleg injuryself mutilationburialtentdog moviehuman animal relationshiphuman wolf relationshipbarefoot malecamera shot of feetcamera shot of bare feetpregnancyheavy snowbased on storytitle spoken by characterno title at beginningno opening creditssupporting character is title characteranimal character name as titleskinny dippingsurprise ending

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