100 Bloody Acres 2013 Movie

Reg and Lindsay run an organic fertiliser business. They need a fresh supply of their "secret ingredient" to process through the meat grinder. Reg comes across two guys and a girl with a broken-down vehicle on their way to a music festival. More details




comedyhorrorbloodmeat grinderwritten by directorrevolverdog carrying a severed handaunt nephew incestcheating on boyfriend with his best friendhand chopped offaunt nephew relationshipmulti toollee enfield riflecattle prodkidnappingbrother brother relationshipmarijuanamasturbationacid tripinfidelityengagement ringsevered handincestfertilizeraustraliatitle spoken by characterscene after end creditspoetic justicehit by a carchekhov's gunbreakupslow motion scenebrother murders brotherbrother kills brotherradio commercialcommercialman childhung upside downhit with a shovelshovelfightbrother brother fightfight between brothersbrother brother conflictconflict between brothersone dayone day time spanfieldon the runbitten by a dogkicking a dogarm injuryhand injuryempty gunthreatened with a gunserial killerloss of boyfrienddeath of boyfriendmurder of policemanmatronizingbechdel test failedstrong femalestrong female charactervisitorvisitdead body in a car trunkmultiple murdersmultiple deathsbeltwatching someone having sexboyfriend girlfriend conflictsex scenecaught having sexman bound and gaggedoral sexolder woman younger man relationshipolder woman younger man sexeavesdroppingoverhearing sexoverheard conversationblood on handsconflict between friendsromantic rivalryromantic rivalrivalryrivaljealous manjealous boyfriendjealousyscreaming manscreamscreaming womantrophybare chested male bondagenaked male bondagemale bondagefemale bondagebondagetalking to an animaltalking to a dogsadismfingers chopped offfingers cut offfinger chopped offfinger cut offdomineering brothernipples visible through clothingface slapman gaggedtied up and gaggedgaggedmale virginvirgindeath by shootingmurder by shootingdeath by gunshotmurder by gunshotshootinggunshotbound and gaggedscarscar on facewoundblood on facefarmerpolicemanpoliceriding a motorcycleriding a motorbikereference to john butlerpassive aggressive behaviorpassive aggressive womanpassive aggressive girlfriendpumpkinhorninessaxereference to rebecca gibneymale masturbationmasturbation referenceliving in a caravanpunch in facedouble takewellcrying malecrying mancryingdwarfgnomereference to snow whitereference to pinocchiohallucinationwoodsforestlost car keyscar keyskeylost keyknocked outknock outbirdgroup of friendsneighborneighbor neighbor relationshipsexual attractionsexual frustrationcaravanreference to paris hiltonpsychological manipulationmanipulative behaviormanipulative womanlima syndromestockholm syndromeseductive behaviorseductive womancleaverchaincountry musicanswering machinewashing handswashing one's handsgaragestealing a carstolen carescapeescape attemptstealing a ringstolen ringironyhairy chestcmnmcmnm sceneclothed male naked maleaccomplicetorturedisembodied leglong haired malechainedmistaken belief that someone is deadpresumed deadspurting bloodchained anklescamera shot of bare feetdisposing of a dead bodybare chested malemale objectificationdead bodynaked dead bodyundressingundressing someonescissorsclothes ripped offleg injurythigh injuryripped off clothesdisposing of body partbarefoot maleduct tape over mouthdruggeddrugged manknifekiss on foreheadcapturedcaptivenon verbal communicationwitnesswoman tied to a chairman tied to a chairtied to a chairtied mantied womanduct tapemouth taped shutduct taped manduct taped womanduct taped mouthduct taped to a chairpointing a gun at someonecrying for helpgunshotgunlorrytaserthreatened with a taserhammerrednecktelephone calllocked in a carlocked inlocked doordiscovering a dead bodyringdrugacidsmoking marijuanamanurejointsmoking a jointtalking to a carlonely manlonelinessoutcastsocially awkwardsocially awkward mansocial awkwardnesssocial outcastsecretboyfriend girlfriend relationshiplove trianglemusic festivalapologyhitchhikerhitchhikingflaskfamily businessold womansecretly observinggarglinglistening to musichiding placeawkward situationcemeterygraveframed photographmemorialcamera shot of feetorphanlistening to radiofarmcoincidencedark comedydark humordisembodied fingertalking to a dead bodycorpsemoving a dead bodyrun over by a carcarrying a dead bodyaccidentcar accidenttraffic accidentcarblood stainsinging alongsinging in a cardriverlorry driversurvivalcharacters murdered one by onemurder spreelooking at oneself in a mirrorwoman wears sunglassescountrysidevillagepunched in the stomachtape over mouthperson in a car trunkaustralian outbackindepedent filmozploitationgallows humorbrotherdeathrural settingblack comedydogradioshot through the chestcunnilingusmurdergorenumber in title

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